Need help? You’re in the right place!
CLCM serves our neighbors living in the 40202, 40203, and 40208 zip codes, specifically east of 9th Street, south of the River, west of Shelby St., and north of Eastern Parkway. If you need help finding your Community Ministry, please click here and enter your address: Find My Ministry
How to receive assistance:
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:30-11:30. Please call (502) 587-1999 and leave a message during this time. We will get back to you within two working days.
Financial assistance services can be provided remotely, and you may email documents to us at, or we invite you to come to our office at 809 S. 4th Street in the Unitarian Church building M-Th 9:30-11:30 or by appointment.
Services provided:
Financial assistance with past due LG&E, Water bills, prescriptions, and rent—call for assistance or submit an online request
You will need photo ID, proof of income (for example, Soc. Sec. award letter, SNAP letter, pay stubs for last 30 days, or zero income verification), past due utility bill or rent ledger/statement
Fill out our intake form: CLCM Intake form
For Covid relief rent funds, visit for the latest information and applications
Personal Care items (hygiene items) distribution M and W 9:30-11:30 at our offices at 809 S. 4th
Food Pantry is located next door at Calvary Episcopal Church, 821 S. 4th Street, and is open M, T, Th 9:30-11:30
Clothes Closet is located next door at Calvary Episcopal Church, 821 S. 4th Street, and is open Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30
Other services available in Louisville:
Neighborhood Place’s Housing Stabilization Program—provides rent assistance, but does have a work requirement. Click here to check if appointments are available through Neighborhood Place.—offers information on resources for rent assistance in the area.
LIHEAP—federal assistance for LG&E bills. Please check here to see if appointments are available before you are scheduled for disconnection.
Hardship Reconnect order—If you are disconnected, you do not need an appointment to receive LIHEAP assistance at the Neighborhood Place as long as you are eligible and LIHEAP is operating. They have 5 spots available every day at each site for those who are disconnected so we would recommend arriving as early as possible. For information about what documents to take with you and where to go, click here.
The Food Pantry at Calvary Episcopal Church provides groceries in their courtyard at 821 S. 4th Street.
CLCM provides emergency assistance with rent and utilities for those living in our service area.